Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Push Pull Hoe

As far as I can make out this hoe is called a ‘push pull weeder’. As the name suggests it can be used in either direction which makes it a fast hoe if there is plenty of room between the plants like for instance in a rose or shrub border. I also us this hoe when I hoe gravel areas. It’s also good for working close to plants because of the side wings that denote the edge of the blade. Its light and the blade is thin and stays sharp. This is a good hoe and would be a great one if it were designed better. As it is it suffers badly from dirt pick up due to all its indentations, lumps and curves so much so that if you don’t keep on cleaning the dirt off it’s like weeding with a plank of wood. As a general purpose hoe I would not have any trouble recommending it and will award it 7 out of 10 and for usability I will be generous and give it 7 out of 10, I would give it more if it weren’t for the soil pick up also I don’t find it so good on hard ground or long weeds. Just one more thing, there is a smaller version of this hoe from Wolf Garten Tools.

In my opinion the underside of the blade should be flat so as to avoid dirt pick up. Dirt collects under the blade.
...and in all the other humps and hollows.

I'm not sure if you're a keen gardener or not Sara but anyone with a garden could do with a hoe, I use my hoe for several jobs besides weeding. I will show you what I get up to with my hoes some other time though.

I saw while watching the TV tonight that the Royal Mint are selling £5 coins for £5, if like me you're thinking there is nothing special about that deal wait till I tell you that carriage is £1.95. So if y'all want to get your £5 coins for £6.95 go to Personally though I'm going to wait until they put on a 2 for 1 offer. By the way, I think there is supposed to be something special about the £5 coin in question.


Sara said...

I am definitely going to buy a hoe Bob! But I will wait until I read all your recommendations. I am in the midst of doing a lot of weeding right now, and am pulling most out by hand. A hoe would make it much faster. I have some scissors and pruners by Wolf Garten which I love, but their products are hard to find around here. I think I may have to do some web searching.

I wonder how many people are buying those "special" coins.

Jeanette said...

Gday Bob. I am another going to look for one of those hoe's over here,I usually get down to weed with a small garden fork and trowel,,Ohhh My aching back..but a hoe like that will be a big help..

Unknown said...

Bob, I have the hoe for you. Take a look at the Hooke 'n Crooke. My father invented it after being frustrated with the weeds that were taking over his garlic. He tried many hoes and almost gave up gardening all together. He then developed an idea and 2 years later came up with the Hooke 'n Crooke. Take a look at our site,
Let us know what you think.
Saves your back, saves time and alomst makes weeding fun.