In the veg garden this week the first of the broad beans are getting ready for picking. I planted the peas and beans in alternate rows for no other reason than thats how they became ready for planting but I notice after the rain the other night how this has turned to be something worth repeating another time because I find that the wire netting used to protect and support the peas also supports the beans and stops them flopping all over the place. Normally I would have staked the beans with stick and string but this way is proving much better.
Oh Bob. my mouth is watering at the sight of your home grown fresh broad beans ,, So yummy..
Cheers Bob! Broad beans and strawberries always end up coming together, don't they? Broad beans are my real gourmet treat. I think because they are seasonal, and you can only enjoy them for a few short weeks of the year - that makes them more special!
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