People often ask me what I grow in the kitchen garden, in fact to my surprise I was talking to someone the other day who didn't realise that you could grow your own veg from seed. I always tend to assume that people know this stuff and thats why the statement came as such a surprise. I explained that most veg can be grown from seed and is actually easy to grow from seed. So today I will show you some of the veg I grow for the family at the big house, all of which I have grown from seed or in the case of the Onions and Garlic, from bulbs.
[Click on the pics to enlarge for a better view]
Below are a row of Peas on the left, then a row of Broad Beans and to the right two rows of Garlic. There are another row of Peas and one of Broad Beans just out of the picture.
Next up we have six rows of Onions, two rows each of brown, red and white skinned. They came as a collection from Marshalls Seeds.
In this next picture s a row of Parsnips to the left and a row of Beetroot. You will have to look close for the Parsnips as they're only just showing through. The Beetroot were started under glass and planted out as seedlings when the weather improved.
A few of these plants can be seen growing as seedlings Here
If I didn't (kind of) know better, I'd think this post had nothing to do with enlightening the masses and was basically you boasting - that veg looks fantastic! Not a weed in sight, all a good size, nicely spaced, and lovely rich dark ground. Ah well, something to aim for. Our veg is my weakest area by a long shot, but I WILL get there with it. I am resolved to grow nothing at all from outdoor sowings though - the weeds come up so fast that even having sown carefully in a row, I haven't a clue what's weed and what isn't. The only thing that worked was rocket.
Ahh veggies! do your employers appreciate these efforts? I remember you saying that they just bought stuff from the supermarket anyway. Are they coming round to the idea of home grown veggies?
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