Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Friend or Foe?

Today in the greenhouse I found this guy lerking on the Petunia's, is he friend or foe? You can't really tell from the picture but he was over a centimetre or half an inch in length, certainly the biggest beetle I ever saw and the first time I ever saw one of his kind.


Matron said...

No idea, but it is beautiful. I bet it would eat all sorts of pests in the garden... but it might nibble through your precious edibles as well.

Phil Voice said...

Hi Bob

It's a Chafer Beetle (Cockchafer).
I don't think that are too much of a problem as an adult but they are a major menace as a grub and will lay into succulent roots.

Chafer's are a particular problem for turf professionals.

All the best
