Tuesday, 11 December 2007

What's Tippy Spotted?

Who can guess what Tippy has spotted? Tune in tomorrow if you want to find out.

Low Temp: -3C
Shady High: 8C
Sunnyshine High: 12C
Weather: A bright sunny day after a cold frosty start to the day.

Yesterday and today I've been tidying up and forking over the shrub border that backs on to the veg garden. There were a few shrubs that needed bringing under control before I could do the forking so I got those seen to and burnt up.

We have some of Vicki's friends from Church here today, they are wall papering the bedroom for us, I think it's been a bigger job than they first thought. I must confess to having no DIY skills whatsoever which is why reinforcements are needed.

Digital Flower Pictures made a comment on yesterdays posting about scotland. I know he lives a long way of but its well worth the journey and the people are really wonderful friendly people.
Well Jeanette I only managed a shandy at the meal because I was driving my parents and Vicki home. Vicki offered to drive but I thought as she doesn't like driving in the dark also she had been at work all day I would do the driving. Thats my feeling about back stabbers too, I would rather spend my time with my family. Its a shame really as I would like to support the community but thats something which is a two way thing.


Matron said...

You tease, Bob! I suppose because Tippy is looking down.. would it be a hedgehog?

Anonymous said...

I reckon it is an Otter???

Jim said...

I think she sees a little rabbit hiding a bit in the tall grass.

I liked your Loch Tulla pictures. I don't think we saw it from B82 or A82. We drove B82 on the east side of Loch Ness down from Inverness, then on A82 to Fort William and on towards Glasgow but veering to Crieff.

Bob said...

Sorry you were all wrong but at least you tried, the answer is in the next post. Jim, you would have passed Loch Tulla after you'd passed over Rannoch Moor and just before the Bridge Of Orchy. You would have been on the east side of the loch whereas the pics you see here are from the western end. To get there you take a small side road from Bridge Of Orchy.