Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Cutting The Holly Hedge.

Today has been the hotest day of the year here in Yorkshire, the last hotest day before this as you will probably have noticed in my sidebar was at the begining of June. When I used to be on the farm I didn't like days like this but now I like them, they make the garden look so much better and make life a lot easier. The only think I don't like about days like this though is the salt in my eyes from sweating so much all the time.

For the past two days I've been trimming all the hedges in the main garden, the biggest of which was the Holly hedge at the back of the flower border. There was also a beech hadge and numerous shrubs that are kept trimmed.

At the back side there is a fifteen foot drop down to the road so I have to stand on the flat wall to trim the back and the top. Its okay and easier to cut them a lot of the ones I have to do.

The pool finally got filled up with water, I just have to figure out what what chemicals it needs in it now.


Jim said...

Wow Bob, you have a lot of work to do. There are a lot of hedges, I presume you have a gasoline powered clipper.
I did a quick catchup but I like this blog very much. It might not be a record of all your activities but the highlights are real nice.
I think you started doing just a whole lot here while we were gone to Europe.
Now we are having a baby (new grandchild) so won't leave for a bit.
My resolution has been to blog more starting today but I still have a lot of work to do around here. So it might not be in full swing like it used to be, ever.

dinzie said...

I spent many late summers as a lad working wit hmy father. We spent hours cutting yew and holly hedges ..I was never a fand of the holly hedge back then :O) far too scratchy. It was made worse by my father allowing and then cropping lollypop style tree growths every so often along the hedge ...just so hard to trim properly :O)


EB said...

I'm impressed. I hate cutting hedges, and we only have a tiny amount! The shot from inside the garden looks very good.