Friday, 24 July 2009

From Our Own Garden (Week 29).

This is the latest view of the hanging basket project that I've been doing this summer. As you can see even with the bad weather we've been having its not filling out too badly. To see the whole project follow the labels (Hanging Basket Project).


MarmiteToasty said...

wow, this is looking good..... Im gonna get 3 wire ones for next year and do this.... I still love me wicker ones though, but having the 3 dangling under each other makes for a dam good display....


Matron said...

What a great idea, that looks wonderful! I find it difficult to find a hook which is strong enough to hold one basket, let alone three!

Victoria Williams said...

Now I get what you've done. What a great idea! It's really looking wonderful.

Jeanette said...

Gday Bob, Ive been in the land of the missing again.. You might say why,,ive been out getting a few more pics of the lake, and the last test showed i had to have a biopsy, but happy to say i got my results today benign cysts,,

Wow Your triple baskets look super im definatly going to try 3 together,ive got a double at the moment with hares paw trailing over the sdes..ill take a photo soon..