Saturday, 12 January 2008

Thanks Lois.

Hello everyone, As some of you will have noticed I have another award, this time from Lois . I really appreciate the thought. Apparently I now have to think of seven weird things about myself that I feel able to own up too. I’ve given the matter quite a bit of thought and came up with some answers which I then scrapped because I couldn’t figure out what weird was? That might sound weird but you see what’s weird to one person might seem perfectly normal to others. Like for instance, to a couch potato spending vacation time walking around the country in the name of pleasure would seem very weird yet to other like minded souls its perfectly normal. So my dilemma was do I list the things that I think others might think of me as being weird for or do I list the things that I consider myself weird for doing? In the end I decided that I never do anything weird so have listed some things I do that others might consider to be weird. First thing on the list is the fact that I never intentionally watch or listen to any sort of news broadcast, I have my reasons but won’t trouble you with them. I know some people consider me weird for refusing to miss live coverage of a Grand Prix. Another weird thing along the same lines is to sit up all night watching the Bathurst 1000 from Australia. As I’ve already said, some people would consider me weird for spending two weeks of my vacation time walking hundreds of miles in the name of pleasure. I’ve never done drugs, been to a night club had an affair or smoked a cigarette, that’s got to be weird - hasn’t it? I could go on but I’d better stop before someone decides I need to be certified or you get bored, or worse still scared and never visit me again, cos that would be a shame.


Anonymous said...

Oh we would never stop visiting you Bob. I know it has been awhile since i have been here though. How is winter treating you? I am in sunny Mexico! Ole'

Jeanette said...

Gday Bob, Im back. Phew were having hot weather 41c yesterday 32c today tomorrow 37c expected.All my family leaving today had a house full since 26 December ill have to get used to a quiet house again, before they return once again. I keep visiting you Bob! love reading your hikes and seeing what happening in your world..
Hows is Tippy? hope hes well on the mend..Jen

Merle said...

Hi Bob ~~ Well I don't think you are very weird at all except for the not watching or listening to the News.
That seems very strange to me as I
am an avid news watcher and listener.
I know it is mostly bad news, but I like to know what is going on in the world. Maybe I am the weird one. But I like to know the weather and/or approaching doom !! I don't like doing these memes although I have done this one before. Take care, Bob Regards, Merle.

Kimmie said...

Bob~Thanks for sharing your weirdness...I think you sound normal, but eh, maybe I'm a bit weird around the edges too?!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bob, welcome back. And how is Tippy?
No comment on I've done and haven't done, you done good!
This is an idea for some blogs, I did 'my firsts' a couple of times.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Hi Bob
Happy New Year and glad to hear you and Tippy are feeling better. I have a 12 year old dog and try not to flip out when the slightest thing is wrong.

Looking forward to what you have planned for the garden this year.

Matron said...

Hope you're on the mend Bob! there's a lot of it around at the moment. Don't forget to keep us up to date with those wonderful greenhouse fittings. Was it a Caxton???