Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Loggin Bob.

Blue Skies - just to remind you!

All readings are taken from a sheltered location in our
garden and cover a 24 hour period starting at 6pm.
Low Temp: 1.8C
High Temp: 8.9C
Rainfall: 1.2mm
Strongest Gust of wind: 2.7 mph
Weather Today: Bright until 3 then came on to rain, still cold.

Hello everyone, how are you today? Today Bob is cold a wet because its still cold and raining here in the UK, at least it is where I am.

They had a load of logs delivered to the big house this morning so I spent quite a lot of time today sorting thos out. Me and Tom went round to the cellar entrance at 7 this morning to lay out the sheets to catch all the small bits. If you don't put something down to catch the bits you end up with a terrible mess to clean up, in fact you can't clean it up properly as the mess gets in to the gravel so we put some sheets down and then all we have to do when the logs are down the cellar it pick up the sheets with all the rubbish on there and everything is as good as new. When the logs arrive I have to throw them all down the hole in to the cellar and then go down the cellar and throw them in to a pile against the far wall. I used to stack them up neatly against the wall but I didn't bother this time as I have plenty of other things to be getting on with. It is nice to see them stacked up but its a bit pointless as no one sees them and its only a temperary thing anyway. All this took me until lunch time, after which I lit a bonefire and burnt some boxes and whatever rubbish was on the burn pile. By now it had started to rain so me and Tom spent the reat of the day in the potting shed transplanting some seedlings, there are still plenty more to plant too if its a wet day tomorrow.

The other day Matron asked me if I had a planting scheme planned for the Begonia cuttings. I have to say not really, I don't have a say in what gets planted where these days. I'm just taking the cuttings as a fun thing really. I will put them somewhere of course, if the boss doesn't want them in the garden I will find somewhere in the courtyard as he doesn't mind what I do in there, the only problem with planting things in there is that the Peacocks eat the flowers which is not good.

Someone else asked me a question but I can't recall who is was or what it was about at the moment so sorry about that, I'm sure it will come to me again eventually. I'm havng to write this on Vicki's laptop tonight which is why there are no pics for you. My computer is acting the fool, its working but very slowly, I think the rain has got too it or something LOL!

Vicki is away at her wednesday even chuch meeting tonight so I'm home alone with the dogs, everyone is very quiet.

All the best,
Bob. (As you will see my own computer has now stopped sulking hence the pics and weather report).


Kimmie said...

Hi Bob;

Sorry about the cold and wet, it is just starting to feeling like spring here-hope more of that weather shows up in your plot of the world.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

HORIZON said...

I don't blame you for not piling the logs up 'designer style'- if no one sees them it doesn't really matter- as long as the system works. Sounds like you're keeping busy Bob. I'm not a gardener to the big house but even l've had plenty to do outside :)

Anonymous said...

Oh that blue sky looks wonderful, thanks for the reminder. It snowed here today!