Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Callander Main Street.

Low Temp: 4C
Shady High: 8C
Sunnyshine High: 8C

Weather: Another cold damp day, it came on to rain around 4pm.

Good evening everyone, how are you all today? Kimmie tells me that they have snow falling in CT so what the heck am I complaining about, it makes us look like we are having a heat wave LOL! Kimmie also made a good point about the rat poison, its obviously something you have to be very careful with whether you have pets or not because there is a chance that other animals might get to it. Its not something I like to use and wouldn’t do if they stayed away from the potting shed and greenhouses but you don’t really want them around where you have to work, especially as I take the veg in to the potting shed and also make myself a cuppa. Anyway to set your mind at rest I only put the poison out at night when the potting shed is locked up, during the day I lift it and lock it away in the chemical cupboard.

Tonight’s picture is of Callander high street, I know its not very inspiring and I promise there is much better to come but I’m showing them in order so as not to make things too confusing – when you get old you don’t want anything that resembles confusing. Anyway I wasn’t going to show this pic but I though you never know maybe the likes of lets say
Merle or Jim might like to see what Callander high street looks like on a Saturday morning so here it is, this is the last picture from Callander because from here we drove round to Loch Lomond which is near to where our cottage was situated. Before leaving we both decided we needed to go to the toilets. I know, its not something you generally want to hear about but the funny thing was that when we got there you needed to put a 20 pence coin in the machine to get in to the toilets and guess what? Neither of us had a 20 pence coin! Luckily there was an attendant there so were able to get some change from him. Life is just one big adventure isn’t it.

Frankie @ Veg Plot has made a couple of comments one being that I shouldn’t have told you all I was going away or you might have come and burgled me – please, don’t waste your time as I took everything worth having with me on holiday. Besides you’d be lucky to get past lord Dastardley and his merry men. As for the comment about missing the snow we did actually see some on the mountains and it was snowing one night when returning to the cottage.

Thanks for all your comments and best wishes while we were away, it was very kind of you all.


Jeanette said...

Welcome back Bob,pleased you had a nice time and looking forward to seeing some photo's of your holiday.
I love to see the shops and little narrow main shopping area's reminds me of our trip to Scotland.
Sounds like Dastardly up to his old tricks again he might have put the rat in there.. oh yuk the thought of a rat made me shiver. and we had 41c yesterday cool change today 26c....

Kimmie said...

Hi Bob;

So glad about the rat poisoning (well, that your two on four legs won't be found with their legs in the air, yikes!)

I actually have a friend that used mole killer (who knew there was such a thing?) Well it tells you to put it in the hole with peanut butter...(yep, it actually is part of the directions) My poor friend's, Brent and his wife Beth, doggie Daisy loves peanut butter, so she sniffed it out and got really deathly sick from eating it mixed with the 'mole killer.' The vet helped to fix her back up, but yikes what a $$$$.

So glad your two pooches will be safe- I know you love them!
