Thursday, 21 January 2010

The Lawn Ranger & Tom.

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good day and I’m pleased you could find time to visit me.

Today I finished pruning the Apple and Pear trees in the walled garden, I just have one more Pear tree to prune on the end of our row of cottages which shouldn’t take me too long.
Today we had to take in one of our cars to the garage just to have a light bulb changed. I had a look at doing it myself the other day but the way they build them it’s impossible to get a new bulb in without stripping away several parts of the engine which I could probably have done and may even have done if it had been summer but in the end decided to take to our garage. The bill came to £25 just to have a new bulb fitted! The garage’s charge for fitting it was £5, the bulb £20. I don’t begrudge the garage their £5 but £20 for a light bulb is ridiculous.

Well I think the best thing to do after a dose of nasty medicine like that is to have some fun and a smile so I took a look at some pictures and picked these three of me and my mate Tom from Christmas as its smiles all round.

The hat is a Christmas present to me from my sister but as you can see someone else took a likin' to it. Below is a better look at the motif on it.


Sara said...

Love the hat!

I think they put the bulbs in like that on purpose, just so the service people can make some money. That used to be something everyone could do themselves. Now if you try, you end up breaking something and you have to pay a huge repair bill on top of the light bulb. Frustrating.

Jeanette said...

Gday Bob. Love Tom smiling wearing your hat That will help keep you warm while out doing your rounds. Now you need waterproof gloves when you crack the ice on the water troughs..
Phww I got air con going its B hot expect low 40c's today..and all the family arriving tonight for weekend.

ChrisJ said...

I think Tom is such a beautiful dog.I don't look at dogs' masters and mistresses. He looks full of vim and vigor and his coat is soft and shiny. Beautiful.

Clint said...

I am sorry if it was an American made car. The hat is awesome.