Friday, 4 September 2009

End Of Season Break

Well that’s it for this year, Bob is off for a rest now. I want to thank all those who visited me at the garden to the big house and I hope you managed to pick up a few tips and tricks that make your gardening experience more enjoyable. I know one or two that are in awe of Bob’s gardening techniques but really I’m just an ordinary guy and have done nothing that any of you can’t do if you have a go. Anyway I will be back on October the 18th in readiness to start the new gardening year, you’re all welcome to join me again. If you’re like me though and don’t like repeats then I will understand if you choose to look elsewhere, it’s been great knowing you though.


Sara said...

Oh, just when you get to go on break, I have to go back to work!

Enjoy your break, I'll be looking forward to seeing how your garden is growing in the next season.

Kimmie said...

Enjoy your break Bob. We will come back and happily read your witty sharings. We are happy to follow along, though I need to get this bookmarked as where to actually find you now.

My children and I thank you, as you have brought us many a laugh and many wide eyes full of the love for your beautiful country.

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

Jim said...

Well, Bob, please have a nice Fall holiday. Do something nice for me too. Then when(ever) we can come over to see you you can tell us where that fun place might be. You can even post about it.
Have a nice holiday! Bye for now!

Jeanette said...

Gday Bob, Ive been a bit slow comming over due to eye surgery...

So Im wishing a nice happy holiday break take care see u back here soon... Jen

Merle said...

Dear Bob ~~ Have a wonderful holiday
and come back refreshed. Thanks for your comments. only 2 weeks until you alter the clocks back after
Daylight Saving Time. It is nearly 8 pm and still daylight.
I am sorry you can't pop around too as your help and advice would be very
helpful and you would be very welcome to some good meals.
Take care, see you when you return.
Kind regards, Merle.