Friday, 30 July 2010

Take A Break.

This weekend me and Tommy are taking a break. We are going to Keswick in the morning to pick up Vicki who has been away at the Christian convention for the past week. We then intend to spend the weekend sight seeing. We will spend tomorrow night at Appleby and then take a long road home on Sunday. I will try and keep you up to date on my mobile blog at Coconuts From A Palm Treo


Tara Dillard said...
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Sara said...

I hope your break with Tommy will help your heart do some healing. I'll be checking your coconuts posts to see what sights you and Tommy find interesting.

Kimmie said...

Enjoy your break and give Vicki a big hug. Hope she had a wonderful refreshing time in God's Presence at her convention.

thinking about you Bob and praying God walks closely with you.

mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted

fireweed meadow said...

Sounds lovely. Hope you have a great time.

Ruth Fraser Davis said...

Wishing you a well deserved break, Bob. May you and Vicki both return refreshed.