Friday, 13 February 2009

Quince Arrives

Today I took delivery of the new Quince tree that I ordered from Blackmoor Nurseries Everything arrived in good order as can be expected from this company. The important thing with any living plants is to unpack it straight away and if the roots of trees are dry stand them in a bucket of water for a while. In this case it wasn't needed as the roots were still damp.
The unboxed tree, the plastic bag helped to keep the roots moist.
Had the weather been right for planting I would have done so straight away but the ground still had a covering of snow and ice so I planted it up in to a pot for safe keeping until the weather is right for planting.
This variety is a Meeches Prolific and has "beautiful flowers and large pear shaped fruits. Makes delicious jellies and pie fillings when combined with apples or jelly or marmalade when used on their own. Pick fruits in October. Self-fertile".


Up The Garden Path said...

Oh good, you're back. I've missed your blog although I only found it just before you stopped.

Yes, bindweed. Well, I'm good at handweeding it was just the digging this year that was impossible. I will be on my hands and knees all through the summer...and next summer...and the summer after!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you still wrote in this blog. I never took it off my blog list and was surprise when I saw it at the top of the list. Glad I didn't delete it.:)
How I love trees. You will have to take pictures when it gets leaves on it.
Take care,

EB said...

Now I'm truly foxed! Did you post in this blog by accident? I'm happy that I found it though, I'll enjoy looking through it. Erm, if that's OK, I know what you mean about the delicacy of deciding what to put in public and trying to keep off others' toes that way.